Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Healthy Living....Homemade Chocolate Pudding Popsicles!

Homemade Chocolate Pudding Popsicles

The popsicles have been our favorite new "treat" recipe for this summer. I have been trying to post this for the last couple of weeks, but it seems they get eaten up before I can get a good picture. Well, today no one was allowed to take a bite until I had a decent picture. I want some of you to give it a try before the weather begins to cool off (which will be quite some time for those of us in the South!!) and summer comes to an end.

The way we keep this recipe in the healthy category is by using organic raw milk, sucanat as our sweetener (which I decreased from the original recipe), fresh eggs, our own homemade vanilla extract, and organic cocoa. This beats the grocery store popsicles every time!!

Chocolate Pudding Popsicles  adapted from theprudenthomemaker.com

1 cup sucanat (you could even reduce this and add a little stevia at the end to sweeten them)
3 tablespoons cornstarch or arrowroot (I like to go ahead and mix this in a little of the milk before adding)
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup cocoa or 3 ounces bittersweet chocolate
3 cups whole milk
3 egg yolks, lightly beaten
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 tablespoon butter

In medium saucepan combine sucanat, arrowroot, salt, cocoa, and whole milk. Cook on medium heat, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens and begins to boil. Boil one minute. Remove from heat. SLOWLY add pudding to egg yolks, whisking the whole time. I do about a 1/4 cup at a time until I am sure that the eggs have been tempered and are not going to scramble on me. Return pudding to pan. Add vanilla and butter. Bring back to a boil, stirring constantly, and boil for one minute. Sometimes I will stop stirring only long enough to see if the mixture is about to boil. Cool slightly.  I like to cool mine until room temperature only because I don't like to pour piping hot things into plastic containers, but it is not necessary to wait that long. Fill popsicle molds and freeze until solid, which is about 3 hours. This makes 10 popsicles for us.

I always double this recipe so we can have them atleast twice. This is a good idea for a smaller family as well, because you will have popsicles on hand at any time the kids want a treat on one of those hot summer days!

Thought you might be wondering what the kids think about these!!




  1. Look at all those sweet and pretty smiles! We'll have to give this a try....will have to add popsicle molds to the grocery list!

  2. your kids are so cute and well behaved. Love visiting with you today :) - and your blogs fun! keep it up. Im adding it to my blog roll. If you want help revamping it like you mentioned let me know. Im an old graphic geek kinda girl :) and dont mind helping friends in that dept. Blessings!
