I have played Upward Soccer for the last two years. It is fun. This year I joined the drama team at church and I like it alot. I like for my mama to cook chicken and dumplings for me. My favorite dessert is chocolate pot de creme. Yum! Mama likes for me to help with Maleah, my baby sister, sometimes and I don't mind it at all. She is sweet.
Just a note from mama and daddy:
Meghan has long, dark brown hair and brown eyes. Some say that when Meghan smiles, so do her eyes. They seem to sparkle. She has olive skin and a brown birth mark on the back of her leg. We tell her it is because of all the chocolate her mama ate while she was in the womb. Meghan has a shy and timid personality. She is also one of the sweetest little girls. Behind that pretty little smile, Meghan may very well be up to some kind of mischief!!She has been our "wanderer". If we aren't careful, we can look around after a few minutes and Meghan will be out of sight. Meghan, though somewhat quiet and bashful, has a determination in her that has surprised us all. Looking back over the last few years we can see how Meghan has basically taught herself how to swing, ride her bike, swim with no help, and even read!! Schooling her has been a breeze. She will pick up her sister's fourth grade book and try to read every word. Sounding out the words until they make sense to her. Although at this point Meghan has not vocalized the desire to know Christ as her personal Savior, we can see that through His Word and our desire to raise her in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, her heart is becoming tender and God is drawing her to Himself!
Meghan has long, dark brown hair and brown eyes. Some say that when Meghan smiles, so do her eyes. They seem to sparkle. She has olive skin and a brown birth mark on the back of her leg. We tell her it is because of all the chocolate her mama ate while she was in the womb. Meghan has a shy and timid personality. She is also one of the sweetest little girls. Behind that pretty little smile, Meghan may very well be up to some kind of mischief!!She has been our "wanderer". If we aren't careful, we can look around after a few minutes and Meghan will be out of sight. Meghan, though somewhat quiet and bashful, has a determination in her that has surprised us all. Looking back over the last few years we can see how Meghan has basically taught herself how to swing, ride her bike, swim with no help, and even read!! Schooling her has been a breeze. She will pick up her sister's fourth grade book and try to read every word. Sounding out the words until they make sense to her. Although at this point Meghan has not vocalized the desire to know Christ as her personal Savior, we can see that through His Word and our desire to raise her in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, her heart is becoming tender and God is drawing her to Himself!